Fighting modern slavery and human trafficking

Fighting modern slavery and human trafficking

Published on 13 June 2023 at 11:21 - Modified the 14 November 2023 at 17:46

FAST (Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking) is a multi-stakeholder initiative based at the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) that aims to mobilise the financial sector against modern slavery and human trafficking.

UNU-CPR is an independent think tank within the United Nations system, based in New York. It combines research with a community of experts to develop innovative solutions for public policy.

Furthermore, FAST, based at the UN University Centre for Policy Research, has just published:

  • A guideline entitled "Detecting the financial flows of modern slavery and human trafficking"
  • A guide to automated transaction monitoring that provides clear and comprehensive guidance to help financial institutions in the banking sector detect and monitor illicit flows from modern slavery and human trafficking based on automated transaction monitoring.
  • A self-assessment tool, available here, for financial institutions designed to help financial institutions better assess whether and how their existing compliance framework and governance address and mitigate the risks associated with modern slavery and human trafficking and contribute to the prevention and detection of this crime.