New meeting of the Committee for coordination and monitoring of the national strategy on fight against money laundering, terrorist financing, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and corruption on 27 July 2023
Published on 1 August 2023 at 12:09 - Modified the 14 November 2023 at 17:39
On Thursday 27 July 2023, the Minister of State chaired a new meeting of the senior members of the Committee for coordination and monitoring of the national strategy on fight against money laundering, terrorist financing, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and corruption.
The meeting was an opportunity to conduct a complete overview, which included discussion on the progress of the national action plan for each strategic objective; progress on the implementation of the recommendations of the MONEYVAL Committee; the project to assess the risks associated with virtual assets, and the manual on international mutual assistance in criminal matters.
The following items were approved at the session: the specific action plan of the Department of Tax Services, the action plan of the Monaco Bar Association, the assessment of the risks of terrorist financing, and the Memorandum of Understanding adopted by the Public Prosecution Department/Police Department and SICCFIN.